Friday, October 31
It's Like Going Home To A Place You Never Left
Music And Love Go Together Like Milk And Cookies

Mariah Carey and Hubby Nick Cannon hosted a Halloween party last night at Marquee in New York. The two came out in a strange- yet tasty Milk and Cookies costume. I think I'm finally sold on this couple. At first I didn't see it! But I'm seeing it now. It seems like the two are continuing to each other happy!

Ok, So Your A Goon But What's A Goon To A Goblin!?!

"This year Halloween fell on a weekend/Me and Geto Boys are trick-or-treatin/Robbin little kids for bags, Till an old man got behind our ass" -Bushwick Bill
In true Halloween Spirit, the ghostess with the mostess is here to bring you a lil' treat for all you halloween goblins out there going from blog to blog, with goodie bag in tote...and what better treat than the illest Spooktacular videos. So in short, Boo to you from our crew here at KidduNot!
Geto Boys - Mind Playing Tricks On Me
Fresh Prince -Nightmare on My Street
Michael Jackson -Thriller
Bats all folks! Have a beary scary Halloween....

Soulja Boy Says Thanks To All Slave-Masters

In an Interview last week, rapper Soulja Boy Tell Em was asked:
“What historical figure do you most hate?”
Stumped at first, he eventually exclaims:
"Oh wait! Hold up! Shout out to the slave masters! Without them we'd still be in Africa."
"We wouldn't be here, to get this ice and tattoos."
This is about the dumbest shit I've ever heard in my life!!! I can't even respond to this topic. I have got a million things that I could say right now, but I would even know where to begin with my response...
However, as a descendant of Africans, I must say: B*tch what the f*ck is wrong with you?
Now, I have been okay with Soulja Boy for a while now... At first, his sub-par lyrics and beats bothered me. Furthermore, it bothered me that people were actually buying his records. But after much thought, I realized that every hip hop artist doesn't have to be insightful and eloquent. You can rap like an ignoramus and still make music that people like to listen to... And if people are feeling it, who am I to say that it's not real hip hop?
However, this really proves that the depth of someone's music can truly reflect the depth of that person's intellect... Please... Stop supporting music from artists that are ignorant as hell...
ENROLL IN A F*CKIN HISTORY CLASS!!! Not just Soulja Boy, but everyone! Enroll in a African American History Course or at least study your own history to some degree... If not, you could be looking just as dumb as that coon pictured above.
Wednesday, October 29
Open Letter: November 4th By Diddy, Jay-Z, Mary J. Blige, and Kevin Liles

Penned by Diddy, Jay-Z, Mary J. Blige, and Kevin Liles -The following is an open letter about the November 4th Election Day
It ain't over, until it's over. There is still so much work to be done. The thrill of victory is just one week away. We hear it in the streets, we feel it in our hearts and it's burning in our souls. Together we have successfully registered the most young voters in the history of the modern political process. We called a "State Of Emergency" on October 3rd at 6:00 a.m. and our culture stood up and recognized the importance of registering millions of voters. From first time voters, who have just come of age to vote, to those who are participating for the first time in the voting process. Your commitment to change will continue to ring across our America, because we all are in the right state of mind.
Where it stands today, we are on the verge of making history, the kind of history that will be apart of our culture's legacy. The kind of history that bridges the gap between race, religion and culture. The kind of history that will ignite a light that shines bright from generation to generation, screaming that our voice does matter and our vote does count. The kind of history that will enable the next generation of leaders to encourage vision, not division; to encourage hope, not hopelessness; to encourage the power of the people, not the power politics of the few.
With only seven days left before we vote for change, let's hold ourselves accountable and responsible. No more excuses, no more mistakes and no more time to waste. If you have the opportunity to vote early in your state then vote today. If you are voting on November 4th, make preparation today. Bring your family and friends and plan for the party at the polls. Make November 4th the day we celebrate change -- the day we celebrate freedom of choice. The day we celebrate power of all people. Let's all come together on November 4th, because it's a family reunion. It's our time and we are all in the right state of mind.
We have seven days to Vote for change. Seven days to Vote to make history. We can not slow down. We can not let up. We must push through to history until the final vote is cast and the last ballot is counted. We can, we must, and we will Make It Happen. Vote Obama/Biden on November 4th.
God Bless,
Diddy, Jay-Z, Mary J. Blige, and Kevin Liles
We can't stress it enough here at KidduNot...This election is so important. We need to be serious this time around and vote! This is history we are talking about, this is about change, this is our future!!!
Celebrities React & Send Their Condolenses To Jennifer Hudson
"Oh, it was heartbreaking. In fact, I'm still trying to get a phone number

"Jennifer and I have met [Hudson was reported to be the top choice to play the lead role in a movie musical based on Franklin's life], and I have to say, my heart really goes out to her and her family, God bless them and keep them. I just, wow -- it's just too much." - Aretha Franklin via ABC News Radio, 10/27/08.
"I think it's horrible. I read it and I think it's shocking. For anybody to go through that. Wow, I don't understand how a human being could have such little respect for life. My heart goes out to her and her family. Wow." -- Fergie via the Associated Press, 10/26/08.
"My heart and soul goes out to her and the rest of her family. Such a huge tragedy - I can't even believe that it's possible. Paula Abdul and I were just talking about it yesterday and it's just so sad. I left a couple of messages for her and I'm just trying to give to her whatever I can. My God. The world is an ugly place right now." -- Randy Jackson via, 10/27/08.
"Yes I'll be praying for her and sending positive energy her way." -- via the Associated Press, 10/26/08.
"When we heard the news of Jennifer losing her mother and her brother, our hearts broke for her, and we immediately began to pray for her strength and comfort and that of her family, as well as for the safe return of her nephew." She added, "I know the family is devastated and heartbroken and I hope that friends and fans and those who care about her just pray for her and give her all the support that she needs at this moment and for quite a long time to come." - Queen Latifah via Access Hollywood
"I was horrified when I heard the news. This is an appalling tragedy. My thoughts right now are with Jennifer and her family."-- Simon Cowell via Extra
"I saw her probably two weeks ago on 'Dancing With the Stars.' We were talking and laughing and she was just really excited about how things were going in her life, so it's just really disappointing. ... It's really sad and my thoughts and prayers go out to her and her family." -- Toni Braxton via Entertainment Tonight, 10/26/08.
"I definitely have condolences for her. That's really tragic. You hate to hear that happen to anybody, something like that. But I've only had the chance to meet her in passing. So I can't really say I know her personally, but man that was tough to hear what happened to anybody's family. So definitely my condolences to her and the rest of her family for sure. That's sad to hear." -- Cedric the Entertainer via the Associated Press, 10/25/08.
"Everyone at Fox Searchlight and Twentieth Century Fox wishes to extend our deepest condolences to Jennifer and her family. Our thoughts are with them in this time of profound sadness." -- Twentieth Century Fox via the Associated Press, 10/29/08.
iKidduNot: Their Just Like Us!

"Hey Ms. Parker"...Pictured, is the super sexy Traci Bingham taking out her own trash in her neighborhood. As our very own Virgo would say, "Sweet Jesus"...if we all lived next door to something like this! Boy oh boy!

Brandy Stops By TRL And Performs "Departed"
Nancy Grace Is a Pitbull in a Skirt
Michelle Davis Balfour, the mother of William Balfour, the person of interest in the Hudson Family Slayings, got into a heated argument with Nancy Grace as she tried to come for Nancy's wig (figure of speech) by defending her son during an interview with the feisty CNN anchor on her show Tuesday night. But Nancy is prone to this type of behavior, watch as the pitbull in a skirt puts Michelle Balfour right in her place!
T.I. votes for the very first time

Grammy Award-winning rapper T.I ,28, voted for the very first time in McDonough, Georgia on Wednesday Oct. 29th.

The convicted felon originally thought his voting privileges were revoked as any convicted felon would have, until he researched that under a Georgia law felons are eligible if they’re not currently serving probation or a prison sentence.
Big ups to T.I. for wanting to see a brighter future for his family and encouraging other ex-felons to go out & vote. Thanks for doing the research Tip!
My Tasks Are Completed!




Have you completed your tasks this election??
Participate in the poll above...I want to see where my KidduNot readers stand!
By the way, don't just assume your candidate, Obama or McCain, will automatically win. Be apart of history This Nov. 4th and VOTE!!!
Press Play: The Pussycat Dolls/Missy Elliott “Dancing With The Stars” Video
Check out The Pussycat Dolls along with Missy Elliott performing “Whatcha Think About That” on “Dancing With The Stars” Oct. 28th!
Look Who Decided To Show Up To Work

After a year and some change hiding from the public, Lauryn Hill has been spotted! The Grammy Award-winning singer/songwriter and four (4) of her children were caputred at the Williams Sonoma store in New Jersey as Martha Stewart did an in-store signing of her latest book.
Press Play: T.I. Feat. Rihanna “Live Your Life” Video
Peep the new T.I. & Rihanna “Live Your Life” Music Video!
Press Play: Usher -"Hush"
Check out the official music video premiere for Usher’s awarness single, “Hush.”
Information on Voting Early/Absentee Ballots

For example, my mom (in VA) has to be out of town for work on Nov 4, so she had to get an excuse so she could do absentee. Also, I have a cousin in Iraq right now, he was elgibile to vote absentee.
The states that require excuses for absentee ballots are:
Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, DC, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Maine, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia
But some of those states will allow you to vote early without an excuse.
Those states are: Illinois, Indiana, Lousiana, Tennessee, Texas, and West Virginia.
So if you live in any of these six states, you need an excuse to vote early. But if you can't get one, you can vote early for no reason at all...
Voting early is entirely different from voting absentee. Some states require you to have an excuse to vote early. But those states also allow you to do an absentee ballot, so there's no need to list them. If your state is not on the above lists, you can vote early without an excuse. Also, visit the Democratic Convention Watch Site for state-by-state detailed information...
More Angry IGNORANT McCain Supporters
The Virgo Signing Off...
Tuesday, October 28
T.I. Drops By The Set Of Chelsea Lately

T.I. showed another side of himself as he sat down with Chelsea Lately on 10.27.08 to talk girls, guns and music. If you're not familiar with Chelsea, she's a quick-witted comedian and i feel safe saying prepare to consider yourself a fan.
Special Thanks to Courtney for the assist!!
The Virgo Signing Off...
Julia Balfour Finally Speaks (Via Her Myspace Page)

Julia Balfour (pictured above-left with sister, Jennifer) is definitely a woman who needs your prayers right now. After learning of her son's death, she updated her myspace page to reflect the latest news in this series of horrific tragedies. Also, she thanks everyone for their support and explains why she kept logging into myspace at such a tumultuous time.
Let's see I'm 29 years old, I have one child and I'm always bored. I love to have fun - even start a little s*** here and there. I have two younger siblings - my sister is Jennifer Hudson, yes the Jennifer Hudson, and my brother is Jason.
I guess it's time to update this. When I started my Myspace, all of the above was true. Now because I chose to do what was natural to me and love someone , it cost me my beautiful family. My wonderful beautiful loving supporting mother Darnell, my true blue baby brother Jason , I love u big baby ... And last but never not least - my only son Julian, my innocent baby. One that was sheltered from all the evil in the world because we loved him so much ...
But thank you all for your loving support. I know some of y'all have your opinions and you are entitled to that. [Some of you are asking] why is she logging on to Myspace at a time like this - let me tell you why. I was hoping that was a way to maybe help me get my son, my baby, the one I carried under my heart for 8 1/2 months, the son it took me 21 hours of labor to bring here, the son I grew to know and love for just a few months over 7 years - that's why ...
And now for those of you who actually cared, thank you for all your words of encouragement. Thank you for your prayers, thank you for posting his picture on your pages as your default picture. Thank you...
But his lil soul is at ease. I take comfort in knowing that Julian is with my mother and my brother and most of all the Lord . Now he's my angel, he's protecting me...
So Sad...
New York Offers Her Condolences To Jennifer Hudson
Tiffany “New York” Pollard pushes her reality persona' to the side and show her true colors in this vlog. The VH1 reality personality offers her condolences to Jennifer Hudson & her family on the Hudson Family Tragedy in Chicago.
Jennifer, who lost 3 generations (mother, brother & nephew) in her family last Friday on Chicago's South side, is engaged to David Otunga, better known as Punk, a former suitors on New York's VH1 series I Love New York 2.
Diddy & The Twins Endorse Obama
With only 7 days away from elections, The mogul Diddy and his twins daugthers, Jessie and D’Lila endorse Senator Barack Obama as he marches into The White House! His daughters are adorable...
UPDATE: Jennifer Hudson Identifies Her 7-Year Old Newphew's Bod

In related news, I recently read a great article in the Chicago Sun-Times by columnist Mary Mitchell that address some of the questions that many have been asking... Check it out below:
I'm a mother and I understand how horrifying it must be to be in this situation.
But if your son is running around with a gun, it is likely he will die by a gun.
A different but more troubling question is being asked about the Hudson murders. It is: "Why was Jennifer's Hudson's mother still living in Englewood?"
My answer is why not?
It is my understanding that Hudson tried to get her to move, and a lot of parents would have moved on up, so to speak, after their offspring made it big.
But why should Darnell Donerson have had to move out of the house she worked for and raised her kids in if she didn't want to?
Why should the neighborhood thugs be able to push out the good and the decent?
Also, there's no guarantee that what happened in Englewood would not have happened elsewhere.
Washington Redskins safety Sean Taylor lived in the upscale Palmetto Bay area of Florida when he was shot and later died from a bullet wound that was inflicted when robbers broke into his home.
Jennifer Hudson, who grew up in the church, knows that "weeping may endure for a night."
Her morning will come again.
I pray that it will soon come for the steadfast families in communities like Englewood where people like Darnell Donerson reflected the love.
Mary Mitchell
Monday, October 27
DJ Southanbred Responds To Soulja Boy Vid

Souja Boy's Former Tour DJ responds to his video about why the DJ was replaced. Southanbred claims Soulja Boy's people aren't eating like they should "literally". Let's hear what he has to say...
Julian's Body Has Been Found

I can't even articulate my sentiments right now...
It is believed that the body of Julian King (pictured above with his family) has been found inside of a White SUV. This is one of the saddest travesties that I have heard about in a long time. I can't imagine loosing my mother, my brother, and my nephew all at the same time. I can't even begin to fathom what this family is going through right now.
We at kiddunot want to offer our deepest condolences to Jennifer Hudson and her family...
Sidebar: As this story has developed, I've heard a lot of negative discussions regarding Julia, Jennifer's sister and the mother of julian King. This is NOT THE TIME to blame anyone for this sad tragedy. Often times, we all get unknowingly tied up with bad people. Sometimes these people have criminal records, and other times these people have records of fakeness and disregard for the people closest to them. I would like to offer my personal deepest condolences for Julia Hudson. I have seen what it is like to loose a child, and it is by far the GREATEST loss that a person can suffer. Julia, you've definitely got my prayers...
To be completely accurate, the body found inside of the white SUV has not been confirmed by the CPD to be that of Julian King; however, it has been confirmed that the SUV was owned by Jason, Jennifer's brother who was a victim of the brutal double-homicide. His car has been missing since his death.
Sunday, October 26
Spotlight: The CraigLewis Band

I was first introduced to The Craig Lewis Band (their last names combined) by a friend who lead me to their video on YouTube of them singing the "Brady Bunch" theme song. Yes, the Brady Bunch theme song. They killed it! Within seconds, I was clearly blown away by these two dudes. They took an intro from a popular sitcom and made it their own...and I was thirsty for more! They are extremely gifted and their vocal range is out of this world! They have the range of a Kim Burrell or a Jennifer Hudson....and can do vocal runs like a "Jazmine Sullivan", if that says anything right there. I can remember listening to them and wondering how the hell they went undiscovered for so long. After doing some research on the duo, I realized that they had much more in common with Jazmine Sullvan than just her riffs and runs. The duo were once signed by L.A. Reid, but were shelved because the industry "didn't really knew exactly what to do with voices like ours." the group states. Same thing with Jazmine, she used to be signed to Jive Records before getting dropped at the tender of 17, with fear from the label not knowing what to do with her voice....and look where she is now! It's just a matter of time before CraigLewis gets their time to shine!

Craig n' Dem singing the "Brady Bunch" theme song
Craig n dem singing "Im Here" by Fantasia
You can visit them on their myspace page:
To book CraigLewis send e-mail:
Morehouse/Spelman festivties
The Morehouse/Spelman festivties this past week were pretty exceptional! The week started off with a fashion show, where The Umbrella man himself, Fransworth Bentley, made an appearance and also performed. Later in the week, there was a neo-soul concert featuring Dwele. I the chance of meeting him and introducing him to KidduNot. SpelHouse also threw a Rights to vote concert with a decent line-up. Bobby V., Janelle Monáe, and Young Jeezy all came out to rock Forbes Arena!!! Take a look....