Sham is no stranger to the blogging scene. Having launched her fashion-based website, LateBoots.com, just over two years ago alongside business partner Marquis Phifer, is looking forward to big things. This Georgia native -- who browses through the latest Vogue magazine, staying relevant on the blogosphere -- is hard to define, yet impossible to ignore. I recently caught up with Sham to talk about a lil fashion, personal style tips, and upcoming projects.

KidduNot: Who is your favorite fashion photographer?
Sham: I don't particularly have a favorite. I've been working with a lot of new young guys trying different styles out. I just know what I love & what I don't like.
K: If you were given the chance to have you own personal fragrance, what would it be titled, and what type of scent would it be?
S: First thing I thought of when I read this question was Grace Jones in Boomerang. The end.
K: How would you describe your personal style?
S: Its simple. I love menswear and I'm sure it shows. Its all about finding a good medium when pairing menswear with my style. Most important is to keep a little of your feminine qualities still present when pulling it off.
K: What is your favorite decade in fashion?
S: I studied fashion so I've seen it all and have many favorites but one the most interesting to be was The Golden Age with Queen Elizabeth--the details and time put into everyday attire was such a production. Our generation can't wrap their minds around just using a small percentage of the Golden Age's effort and consistency. Image is everything.
K: What style do you dislike the most?
S: Any style that's not true to yourself.
K: The "look" you prefer on a: man/woman?
S: Whatever fits YOU. Change is good but go with what works.
K: What is your favorite accessory?
S: My "W.W.J.D" bracelet. Reminds me of being a kid getting them at summer camp, not the mention the meaning behind it. I wear it everyday.
K: Your fashion site, LateBoots, has grown in the last 2 years-- judging by the outcome when you mix a la Sham & Marquis together we get the best results. How would you describe the chemistry between you two?
S: We're two creative young people with goals. The only thing that makes us different is that we actually took the step to make what we wanted happen. We're complete opposites so we give the best of both worlds. I'm proud of what we made LateBoots and I've seen many look-a-likes, but its all love. For those who support us and are following please see the bigger message because if you're copying the site you're already ten steps behind us. Its only the background to our hustle. Think about it? Would you copy someone's diary? Or take their experience--learn for it and create your own history?
K: LateBoots has been hiatus for a few months--What's up next for LateBoots?
S: Bigger and Better. Our lives has been given a face lift so why not build a new house.
K: Looking at your face, it's pretty flawless-- What facial products would u suggest women, or even men for that matter, use daily?
S: Haha. Thanks for the compliment. It's all genetics. My mother, she doesn't wear make-up. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I'm just a southern girl from Georgia, I use Neutrogena and exfoliate when needed. I got red clay in my blood and the cheek bones are Cherokee. I thank my elders. lol
K: Where do you see LateBoots in 3 years?
S: LateBoots started out being how the world meet myself and Marquis. It is the for front of what we do and everything we like. In the next couple of years LateBoots will be the last thing mentioned when speaking about myself and Marquis. Not downing the site at all, but there should/will be bigger accomplishments and opportunities to come.
K: What can people look forward to from you in the coming months?
S: Right now I'm working with The Brooklyn Circus, their new collection is defiantly something to keep a look out for. I'm also working on a few independent projects some art showcases and a charitable event (tba) for 2010/2011--sidebar: that will be historic, the wait will be well worth it. I'm in the early stages but working hard with some very talented people and if everything goes as planned this will be the start of something major. At the end of the day, I'm just living my life and doing what needs to be done.
Catch more of Sham on LateBoots, as they make their return to the internet 12.24.09
