What a way to start a season off...On last night's season premiere of Bravo's The Real Housewives of Atlanta, things got overly heated when Sheree got into a fight with her party planner.

"Listen. If I wanted to make a statement, I would have twitpic'd, photoshoot, etc. I was simply taking my son to school. The stupid paps took a pic.First off... that's a lie about only responding to the twitts because she was talked about more on a social networking site than the Iranian Election. But I do feel her on the hair tip, and that's only because mama's hair used to be LAYED! That's got to be stressful. If her hair was jacked, and she explained cutting it with "I didn't like the stresses associated with keeping my jacked wig together," I'd be like "girl please!" But her hair used to be better than Bey's... and that's an accomplishment!
I was NOT inspired by anyone but myself.
I have done this twice in my life. I was 16. I was 18. I did not care about your opinion then, and I don't care about it now. I don't need your attention or your co-sign. I am the #3 trending topic before IRAN, and some of you can't even locate it on a map... It's sad...
I don't want an edge or a perm because I'm not trying to make this "a style" or a statement. I just wanted to be free from the bondage that black women sometimes put on themselves with hair. At this phase of my life, I want to spend the time, energy, and money on something else... Not in the hair salon.
I'm not mad at all of you that have made your opinions known and have sent negative energy my way. I expected this of you. You have the right to have an opinion...
So Do I...
'I'm No Soul Girl Quipped With No Afro, I'm Just My God Given Name'
The ONLY reason that I responded to this is because I was disappointed to see my name more talked about then Iranian Election
We Gotta Do Better People!!!"