Releasing their 10th anniversary capsule collection, the Rocawear brand partnered with HoneyMag.com to formulate a "glamROC" event celebrated at Atlanta’s very own, The Glam Bar! I knew it would be a highly anticipated affair when half of Twitter caught wind of the event and made it kind of a big deal...and indeed it was! It was a place where the ladies felt glamorous and the men...well let's just say they enjoyed the open bar & being around all the gorgeous women!!

Celebs packed the black carpet including Teyana Taylor, Brian Michael-Cox, RichGirl, Sammie, & Drummer Boy just to name a few...Even some top Atlanta bloggers joined the scene to witness the brand release it's collection. Necole Bitchie, Freddy-O, Charles Wade (Moda Mouth), Governed By Loyalty, Gyant, Marquis Phifer of LateBoots, Concrete Loop, and of course KidduNot were all on hand for the wonderful occasion.

The set up was actually nice, it was sorta like a "style & beauty" lounge set up inside the venue, where ladies got pampered as if it were Valentines day-- Hair, nails, make-up....you name it, you could have gotten it done!
And check out: www.honeymag.com
Shout out to HoneyMag.com, BrandedPR, The Garner Circle, Warren H., & The Glam Bar for putting on a great event in ATL!
