Monday, February 2

Viewers Voice: Suggestion Box

The other day during the infamous " Why Wednesday " , one of the viewers that didn't agree with the " Why " segment, made a comment on having a suggestion box . Well, here is your chance . Give us your suggestions on what you don't see that you would like to see here at KidduNot . Remember, this is for NEW ideas we are not asking you what should we get rid of . WE WILL NOT BE GETTING RID OF ANY PRE-EXISTING SEGMENTS . Here at KiddUNot , we appreciate all the veiwers and all the comments, and we like to connect with our veiwers . So connect with us by commenting on EVERYTHING . And maybe the other contributers would like to start their own type of segments, so maybe ya'll would like to suggest some things also ? On behalf of KidduNot, I'd like to say Thank You to all the veiwers, and we want to make your KidduNot expierience a great one !