If you can’t get enough of Rev Run’s gorgeous daughters, Angela & Vanessa Simmons, we here at KidduNot.com have great news for you. The 2 beauties are soon to begin taping for their own reality show titled “Daddy’s Girls” which will follow "our lives in L.A. and what's going on with us" as told to BlackVoices.com. I can’t speak for you, but fine as the Simmons Sisters are I wouldn’t mind watching this show on mute. (lol) MTV’s “Daddy’s Girls” is slated to air in January 2009, consider it a belated Christmas gift.

Since moving from “Run’s House” to the City of Angels, A & V have continued to focus on expanding and building the brand of their Pastry Collection. Pastry, which celebrated the 1 Year Anniversary(May 2008) of it’s successful launch will soon include denim, dresses, tops and tracksuits. Check out www.PastryKicks.com and their fansite PastryShoesCollection.com for the latest from them and their collection.
The Virgo signing off…