For example, my mom (in VA) has to be out of town for work on Nov 4, so she had to get an excuse so she could do absentee. Also, I have a cousin in Iraq right now, he was elgibile to vote absentee.
The states that require excuses for absentee ballots are:
Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, DC, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Maine, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia
But some of those states will allow you to vote early without an excuse.
Those states are: Illinois, Indiana, Lousiana, Tennessee, Texas, and West Virginia.
So if you live in any of these six states, you need an excuse to vote early. But if you can't get one, you can vote early for no reason at all...
Voting early is entirely different from voting absentee. Some states require you to have an excuse to vote early. But those states also allow you to do an absentee ballot, so there's no need to list them. If your state is not on the above lists, you can vote early without an excuse. Also, visit the Democratic Convention Watch Site for state-by-state detailed information...