Wednesday, May 6

Lil Kim Eliminated From “Dancing With The Stars”


Lil’ Kim was given the boot on last night's elimination show of "Dancing with The Stars." You could actually hear the gasps on the show &... across the world, I'm pretty sure, loud and very clear. Lil’ Kim who wasn’t as shocked as everyone else seem to be, said that she had a great experience on the how.

“I think this is one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever experienced in my life. I think I brought different viewers. I know people that have never watched the show… watched the show… This is a great experience.” - Lil' Kim

It goes to show that even tho your a front runner in the competition, your fans and the people who support you not only have to watch, but vote as well. I still think she owed the sow while she was on there.....Now watch the rating down!

Give me an update
