After the alleged abuse incident, which left family and friends shocked, Rihanna and Chris Brown have reconciled - and Rihanna will not be pressing charges against her abusive boyfriend, Chris Brown. In new statements released, which indicate that Rihanna has refused to help the LAPD investigate claims that Chris beat her badly nearly 3 weeks ago. “Rihanna says she doesn’t want to testify against him. She has had a change of heart and doesn’t want the case to proceed,” a LAPD officer leaked to Britain’s The Sun.
Rihanna what are you saying to your fans ma? - that it's ok for domestic abuse to take place in a relationship? If so, I don't think your sending out the right message. You should have NEVER went to the LAPD with your sob story, if you had plans for this to "fly over". Now your in that "cooling-down period" after the attack, and you forgotten what took place? Let me guess, Chris Brown expressed remorse and begged for forgiveness and you fell for it, right? Stand up for yourself RiRi!! I thought you were the one 'breakin dishes' !?! But I guess that's love, right? WRONG! Love is blind remember...and It's speaking volumes right now! Let me not lay her out this morning!
No one is going to look at Rihanna as a strong black women nomore, These young girls are not looking up to her. She'll never be viewed as a "Tina Turner", or any other women for that matter, who stood up for themselves in an abusive relationship and got out. Grow some balls Ri. But you know what, this isn't Rihanna's case anymore. If the DA decides they have enough evidence against Chris, they can proceed without Rihanna’s help.