Wednesday, October 22

Whoring to Become Legal in San Francisco???

In San Francisco, voters next month will have the chance to pass a measure that forbids local authorities from investigating, arresting, or prosecuting anyone for selling sex. If passes, it will become the first major U.S. city to decriminalize prostitution.

The ballot question technically would not legalize prostitution since state law still prohibits it, but the measure would eliminate the power of local law enforcement officials to go after prostitutes.

Prostitution is already legal in two states: Brothels (whorehouses) are allowed in rural counties in Nevada, and Rhode Island permits the sale of sex behind closed doors between consulting adults, but it prohibits street prostitution and brothels.

The measure has been endorsed by the local Democratic Party. But the mayor, district attorney, police department and much of the business community oppose the idea, contending it would increase street prostitution, allow pimps the run of neighborhoods and hamper the fight against sex trafficking, which would remain illegal because it involves forcing people into the sex trade.

If the measure passes, supporters say, prostitutes would not feel the need for pimps as protection. But opponents insist it would embolden pimps who trap drug addicts into prostitution by plying them with drugs.
